They Don't Control The Internet 97 BPM (Discountinued WIP)
“They Don’t control the internet”
All right class this is History 101
I am your substitute teacher
today I will teach you
the true meaning and history
of The United States,
Of La Merica, listen up
Winter snow and wandering herbivores
and hungry herds of carnivores
wall street, k street, c street, bohemian
distribute power, dark obsidian
blades and dark caves, groves and dark rites
the leaders of the world get wild at night
hate the LGBT, but in reality
they’re into drugs and bestiality
and ancient persian astronomy
soul eating gods and dark prohecies
disconnected form the common man
the outward excuse is it’s god’s plan
disbelieve the faith they claim to hold
chose money over love they have no soul
no central theory the power is spread
across organizations with unknown heads
—— from heads of state to celebrities
—— chosen for their impurities
—— control what you see on the TV set
—— but thankfully not the internet
Don’t give into fear or become weary
when investigating a theory
abstract panic does you no good and
and cynicism can become a wool hood
the biggest scheme is simple business
destroy competition for self interest
poverty works liked planned disease
then there’s war against poor countries
to survive they suppress technology
to guard the riches of their family
they like to meet where none can see
through their false identity
presidents and evenagelists
meet to form secret blood trysts
a revolution we don’t need to see
just an end to their secrecy
—— from heads of state to celebrities
—— chosen for their impurities
—— control what you see on the TV set
—— but thankfully not the internet
There’s many foul things that have down
like have you ever heard of boy’s Town
Up inside government buildings
Intercourse with young children
there’s so much more that’s alarming alarming
much like the Tulsa firebombing
I barely speak of what they bury
left unspoken Magdalane mary
under the Vatican are dark mysteries
Riches from kings, untold history
NASA was built with German scientists
every launch has occult elements
the face on mars, water on the moon
what will we be learning soon
the best place to hide is in plain site
You don’t need a third eye to see the light
All right class this is History 101
I am your substitute teacher
today I will teach you
the true meaning and history
of The United States,
Of La Merica, listen up
Winter snow and wandering herbivores
and hungry herds of carnivores
wall street, k street, c street, bohemian
distribute power, dark obsidian
blades and dark caves, groves and dark rites
the leaders of the world get wild at night
hate the LGBT, but in reality
they’re into drugs and bestiality
and ancient persian astronomy
soul eating gods and dark prohecies
disconnected form the common man
the outward excuse is it’s god’s plan
disbelieve the faith they claim to hold
chose money over love they have no soul
no central theory the power is spread
across organizations with unknown heads
—— from heads of state to celebrities
—— chosen for their impurities
—— control what you see on the TV set
—— but thankfully not the internet
Don’t give into fear or become weary
when investigating a theory
abstract panic does you no good and
and cynicism can become a wool hood
the biggest scheme is simple business
destroy competition for self interest
poverty works liked planned disease
then there’s war against poor countries
to survive they suppress technology
to guard the riches of their family
they like to meet where none can see
through their false identity
presidents and evenagelists
meet to form secret blood trysts
a revolution we don’t need to see
just an end to their secrecy
—— from heads of state to celebrities
—— chosen for their impurities
—— control what you see on the TV set
—— but thankfully not the internet
There’s many foul things that have down
like have you ever heard of boy’s Town
Up inside government buildings
Intercourse with young children
there’s so much more that’s alarming alarming
much like the Tulsa firebombing
I barely speak of what they bury
left unspoken Magdalane mary
under the Vatican are dark mysteries
Riches from kings, untold history
NASA was built with German scientists
every launch has occult elements
the face on mars, water on the moon
what will we be learning soon
the best place to hide is in plain site
You don’t need a third eye to see the light