Scars By Jean Montoya, 1984
My mother passed away in 2021, I inherited a book of writings of hers. Some of them are poems and famous writings she has written down from other poets and writers. Every piece has the author written below, she was clear about the authorship. This, is one of hers.
These were written during periods of… darkness. So I tried to brighten this one up by music. I’m sharing this so I can share it with family as well.
Only the vocalization of my mother’s writings is AI, everything else is human effort.
As for the vocalization, the only way to bring this to life was with Eleven Labs, my mom is 100% American but all the voices I found sounded off and unnatural to me. Perhaps because I’m used to working with the voice of “Swede-Dish” I went with her after toying with the others.
After I found something bright and not-tear jerky, I chose a bass line that fit the kind of music she listened to as a youth. I really love all the field sounds, they helped brighten this up. Thank Admiral Bob, Debbizo and Fatso784
Please treat this acapella as you would any other. Do not worry about it being attached to my mom or offending me, I would not share if here if I had an issue with it being used creatively.
Nobody can teach you how to cope,
Hurt and rejection,
anxiety and uncertainty,
pain and grief,
anguish and tears;
They are their own teachers.
These lessons you learn
alone, painfully by
experience only.
The scars inflicted will
last a lifetime, to
hide them is one of
life’s hardest lessons
to learn.
Jean Montoya
These were written during periods of… darkness. So I tried to brighten this one up by music. I’m sharing this so I can share it with family as well.
Only the vocalization of my mother’s writings is AI, everything else is human effort.
As for the vocalization, the only way to bring this to life was with Eleven Labs, my mom is 100% American but all the voices I found sounded off and unnatural to me. Perhaps because I’m used to working with the voice of “Swede-Dish” I went with her after toying with the others.
After I found something bright and not-tear jerky, I chose a bass line that fit the kind of music she listened to as a youth. I really love all the field sounds, they helped brighten this up. Thank Admiral Bob, Debbizo and Fatso784
Please treat this acapella as you would any other. Do not worry about it being attached to my mom or offending me, I would not share if here if I had an issue with it being used creatively.
Nobody can teach you how to cope,
Hurt and rejection,
anxiety and uncertainty,
pain and grief,
anguish and tears;
They are their own teachers.
These lessons you learn
alone, painfully by
experience only.
The scars inflicted will
last a lifetime, to
hide them is one of
life’s hardest lessons
to learn.
Jean Montoya