I love audiotechnica’s “One” groove. I isolated 8 bars, looped them, then quickly busked up a song around it, adding casual, off-the-cuff vocals and guitars (acoustic & electric). I’ll add stems. And if any other vocalists want to cover this, it’s fine by me.
LYRICS (with some variation & ad libbing):
Solid Gold don’t leave me so cold,
Coz I’m lonely for my Solid Gold,
Wanna hold you, Lord I told you,
It’s gonna happen for you, like you want it to,
You’re gonna shine, so sublime,
Your time is here and your way is clear,
Just hold on, those bad blues are gone (for Solid Gold).
LYRICS (with some variation & ad libbing):
Solid Gold don’t leave me so cold,
Coz I’m lonely for my Solid Gold,
Wanna hold you, Lord I told you,
It’s gonna happen for you, like you want it to,
You’re gonna shine, so sublime,
Your time is here and your way is clear,
Just hold on, those bad blues are gone (for Solid Gold).