It’s like a sweet shop in here.
Just when i think i going to depart and create something only bats and dogs can hear and appreciate i listen to another pella and i am off.
There comes a point in mixing a ready made vocal that you think if only this or that were here or there or whatever.
But that’s the ulitmate payoff. It has its limitations and its challenges all in one place.
The other thing about listening to a vocal like this is that you hear a certain something in the voice, a line or a phrase, when its set to music that you did not seem to hear at first …and that’s part of the revelation, pleasure and addiction.
In fact if you loop a part of this song at just the right point Calendargirl starts singing something very x rated.
But I will save her blushes for another time.
Just when i think i going to depart and create something only bats and dogs can hear and appreciate i listen to another pella and i am off.
There comes a point in mixing a ready made vocal that you think if only this or that were here or there or whatever.
But that’s the ulitmate payoff. It has its limitations and its challenges all in one place.
The other thing about listening to a vocal like this is that you hear a certain something in the voice, a line or a phrase, when its set to music that you did not seem to hear at first …and that’s part of the revelation, pleasure and addiction.
In fact if you loop a part of this song at just the right point Calendargirl starts singing something very x rated.
But I will save her blushes for another time.