Excuse Me, Miss
Excuse Me, Miss
(cc)BY D A Ayer 2019-08-22
Hello, pretty girl!
I wonder what it is you see
with those eyes so far away.
They’ve looked right over and through me
seven times or more today.
But who’s counting?
Well, hello, pretty girl!
I wonder if you’re ever going to turn your head
and notice that my glass is dry
as I sit down here at the end of your bar
with a patient look in my eye.
I’m not looking for love
but still hoping for kindness.
Hello there, pretty girl!
I wonder what you’ll be dreaming as you’re sleeping
wherever you’re going tonight
while I lie awake staring up at the ceiling
and waiting for the morning light…
another day ending soon
beneath the sun and the moon.
Hello, pretty girl!
I wonder what it is you see
with those eyes so far away.
They’ve looked right over and through me
fourteen times or more today.
I don’t need to bend your ear
but would you please refill my beer
before you go?
(cc)BY D A Ayer 2019-08-22
Hello, pretty girl!
I wonder what it is you see
with those eyes so far away.
They’ve looked right over and through me
seven times or more today.
But who’s counting?
Well, hello, pretty girl!
I wonder if you’re ever going to turn your head
and notice that my glass is dry
as I sit down here at the end of your bar
with a patient look in my eye.
I’m not looking for love
but still hoping for kindness.
Hello there, pretty girl!
I wonder what you’ll be dreaming as you’re sleeping
wherever you’re going tonight
while I lie awake staring up at the ceiling
and waiting for the morning light…
another day ending soon
beneath the sun and the moon.
Hello, pretty girl!
I wonder what it is you see
with those eyes so far away.
They’ve looked right over and through me
fourteen times or more today.
I don’t need to bend your ear
but would you please refill my beer
before you go?