Fireflies On The Hourglass
From egg to adulthood the firefly lives for barely one year. As an adult and bringer of light it only survives for two weeks before it returns to the mulch and earth from which it came. As humans we live longer but all to often squander our precious time on trivial matters and seldom let our true light shine through. In these dark and troubling times we need to give out as much light as we can to each other and hopefully move forward to brighter days. For us as with the firefly there is no nectar to escape the ravages of time.
This was the first mix of Snowflake for the Secret Mixer
Snowflake Piano and vocals
Admiralbob Mandolin
UnrealDm Guitar
Everything else off the Shelf!
This was the first mix of Snowflake for the Secret Mixer
Snowflake Piano and vocals
Admiralbob Mandolin
UnrealDm Guitar
Everything else off the Shelf!