Bicycle Clips
My sister was nine years older than me but still close enough for my mother to adapt her belongings into something just about passable for me to wear. In those days boys were boys and girls were girls so her tailoring skills were to be much admired. My father had it far easier when he gave me her Raleigh All Steel Tourist Roadster bike. It had dodgy brakes but my father just told me to use my feet to assist when braking and he extolled the lack of a crossbar as an additional plus point when mounting and dismounting.
Vibhu’s reminder of an old but treasured bike brought the memory back of the days when I would cycle freely through Wiltshire lanes. Not sure if Van Gogh had a bicycle but its plausible especially due to his lack of funds. Maybe Theo gave him his old one!
I’ve trimmed the odd word here and there on both Anchor and Vibhu’s vocals but I have left Anchors singing in the key he sang it in with just a little rephrasing. The opening cello is played by Anchor
Vibhu’s reminder of an old but treasured bike brought the memory back of the days when I would cycle freely through Wiltshire lanes. Not sure if Van Gogh had a bicycle but its plausible especially due to his lack of funds. Maybe Theo gave him his old one!
I’ve trimmed the odd word here and there on both Anchor and Vibhu’s vocals but I have left Anchors singing in the key he sang it in with just a little rephrasing. The opening cello is played by Anchor