A Billion Stars
Barely there in the city sky, the stars that shine are awfully bright
Aligning points along celestial lines.
Sometimes mistaken for satellites, the strongest stars in the city skies twinkle twinkle promise of surprise.
Grounded by planetary light, solidly illuminated
Some stars in city skies remain obfuscated.
That doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.
Untangle the negatives.
Stars are there.
Stars are there even when you can’t see them.
In darker places you can see all the stars to infinity
The tapestry of eternity. .
What are stars to you my dear?
Do you wish upon them?
Are they angels or merely gaseous spheres?
Did you know that you are one?
Twinkle twinkle sparkling twinkle
Sparkling twinkling light
Twinkle twinkle sparkling twinkle
Promise of surprise
A billion stars a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
As I reach a place I have never been distant and alarming
The stars above in their celestial dance are always there to remind me
I am here
Here I am
dark light matter spirit forming
Spiral galaxies within without
there are no boundaries
A billion stars we’re a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
Little light little light little light that shines
If you were closer you would blind me
Star light sweetly bright
I trust you to guide me
In darker places you can see all the stars to infinity
The tapestry of eternity.
A billion stars we’re a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
recorded at 70 bpm
Inspired in part by Parashat Leich Lecha in which God says to Abraham his descendants will be like the stars in the sky.
Inspired in part by Chanhukah.
Inspired in part by the work of Sri Aurobindo/Mother/Satprem.
Inspired in part by Madame Snowflake.
May we all have peace, health and safety during this profound time we live in, and find the lights that guide us.
Barely there in the city sky, the stars that shine are awfully bright
Aligning points along celestial lines.
Sometimes mistaken for satellites, the strongest stars in the city skies twinkle twinkle promise of surprise.
Grounded by planetary light, solidly illuminated
Some stars in city skies remain obfuscated.
That doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.
Untangle the negatives.
Stars are there.
Stars are there even when you can’t see them.
In darker places you can see all the stars to infinity
The tapestry of eternity. .
What are stars to you my dear?
Do you wish upon them?
Are they angels or merely gaseous spheres?
Did you know that you are one?
Twinkle twinkle sparkling twinkle
Sparkling twinkling light
Twinkle twinkle sparkling twinkle
Promise of surprise
A billion stars a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
As I reach a place I have never been distant and alarming
The stars above in their celestial dance are always there to remind me
I am here
Here I am
dark light matter spirit forming
Spiral galaxies within without
there are no boundaries
A billion stars we’re a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
Little light little light little light that shines
If you were closer you would blind me
Star light sweetly bright
I trust you to guide me
In darker places you can see all the stars to infinity
The tapestry of eternity.
A billion stars we’re a billion stars just as we were promised
A billion stars a billion stars
recorded at 70 bpm
Inspired in part by Parashat Leich Lecha in which God says to Abraham his descendants will be like the stars in the sky.
Inspired in part by Chanhukah.
Inspired in part by the work of Sri Aurobindo/Mother/Satprem.
Inspired in part by Madame Snowflake.
May we all have peace, health and safety during this profound time we live in, and find the lights that guide us.