Music for Declarations 1
Creating a Declaration
Creating your own Declaration for your life is a huge factor in setting up direction for where you want your life to go. Once you create a powerful declaration for yourself and you read it aloud to yourself and become so familiar with it that you begin to own it, what begins to happen is that it will govern your life. It automatically begins to manifest itself in your reality.
Tyler’s Declaration:
Declaration for my life
“Is to live my life according to universal principles based on a foundation of love.
I am here to live a deeply fulfilling Life, and continually transform my limiting beliefs into unlimited beliefs, in all areas of my life.
I trust the process of Life to be there for me, and everything always works out for the highest good.
I choose to think lovingly & powerfully, and I enjoy the variety and natural evolution of my life.
I take full responsibility for all areas of my life now.
I choose to feed my body, mind,& soul with raw, living, cultured, enzyme-rich foods that increase my vitality and life-force to carry me into whole new worlds
And I AM here to be an inspiration for others to develop their relationship with their SOURCE, GOD, Higher Self.
I consciously breathe and relax in the moment in order to open myself to the Highest Potential for me to be of Service and Increase Life in All the lives the Father touches through me.”
Creating your own Declaration for your life is a huge factor in setting up direction for where you want your life to go. Once you create a powerful declaration for yourself and you read it aloud to yourself and become so familiar with it that you begin to own it, what begins to happen is that it will govern your life. It automatically begins to manifest itself in your reality.
Tyler’s Declaration:
Declaration for my life
“Is to live my life according to universal principles based on a foundation of love.
I am here to live a deeply fulfilling Life, and continually transform my limiting beliefs into unlimited beliefs, in all areas of my life.
I trust the process of Life to be there for me, and everything always works out for the highest good.
I choose to think lovingly & powerfully, and I enjoy the variety and natural evolution of my life.
I take full responsibility for all areas of my life now.
I choose to feed my body, mind,& soul with raw, living, cultured, enzyme-rich foods that increase my vitality and life-force to carry me into whole new worlds
And I AM here to be an inspiration for others to develop their relationship with their SOURCE, GOD, Higher Self.
I consciously breathe and relax in the moment in order to open myself to the Highest Potential for me to be of Service and Increase Life in All the lives the Father touches through me.”