Again and Again (pella)
Down With Ben
12/16/10 Update: Originally posted this as part of the Reduce Reuse Remix campaign, but I think the pella fits better with the By And By themes of change and resolution. Thanks to the CCM Admins for adding the by_and_by tag…
As I pondered the Sustainability theme, what came to mind was someone that keeps repeating or “recycling” poor decisions in life, causing him to lose the things he values most… perhaps this is us as a people constantly making poor ecological decisions that eventually cost us our planet….
I was kind of veering off the core of the intended theme, but I think the lyrics are open enough to still work for this project (hopefully).
Kept it in the key of A, per Snowflake’s request. Dry version uploaded, as well.
Think of the children, think of your friends,
As you try to make amends.
You say you’ll change, but in the end,
You know you’ll do it again and again.
When it’s clear as day and night,
When the choice is black and white,
You find darkness in the light.
You see what’s wrong in what is right.
You want more of what you had before.
Screaming with no sound,
As you fly into the ground.
You need to turn yourself around.
You’re looking for what has been found.
There is no one else to blame
You’re the cause of all your pain.
Yet without remorse or shame,
You’ll do it to yourself again.
You want more of what you had before.
As I pondered the Sustainability theme, what came to mind was someone that keeps repeating or “recycling” poor decisions in life, causing him to lose the things he values most… perhaps this is us as a people constantly making poor ecological decisions that eventually cost us our planet….
I was kind of veering off the core of the intended theme, but I think the lyrics are open enough to still work for this project (hopefully).
Kept it in the key of A, per Snowflake’s request. Dry version uploaded, as well.
Think of the children, think of your friends,
As you try to make amends.
You say you’ll change, but in the end,
You know you’ll do it again and again.
When it’s clear as day and night,
When the choice is black and white,
You find darkness in the light.
You see what’s wrong in what is right.
You want more of what you had before.
Screaming with no sound,
As you fly into the ground.
You need to turn yourself around.
You’re looking for what has been found.
There is no one else to blame
You’re the cause of all your pain.
Yet without remorse or shame,
You’ll do it to yourself again.
You want more of what you had before.