Por favor baila conmigo
Down With Ben
This emergence thing sounded like fun. Here’s me having a little fun on the mic. Tried to keep in the key of A…
An emerging dancer moves better with a partner…
Hi quality WAV files of the source pellas can be accessed at the following links:
“Spoken” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-spokenwav.zip
“Sung Hi” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-sunghiwav.zip
“Sung Lo” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-sunglowav.zip
Por favor, baila conmigo.
Cuando mueves así, me gusta a mi.
Me gusta a mi cuando mueves así.
Please, dance with me.
When you move like that, I like it.
I like it when you move like that.
An emerging dancer moves better with a partner…
Hi quality WAV files of the source pellas can be accessed at the following links:
“Spoken” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-spokenwav.zip
“Sung Hi” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-sunghiwav.zip
“Sung Lo” Pella: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1049738/porfavorbailaconmigo-sunglowav.zip
Por favor, baila conmigo.
Cuando mueves así, me gusta a mi.
Me gusta a mi cuando mueves así.
Please, dance with me.
When you move like that, I like it.
I like it when you move like that.