Peace (Nimbostratus Blues)
This is part of a suite of poems entitled ‘Drifting Toward Light’. This part is quite sad but by the end of the suite things are more hopeful. As time allows, I will upload all the parts.
~Peace~ (Nimbostratus Blues)
It is all I wish for you – deep peace
You say it is all you want, but cannot attain
the weather is out of control, your barometer will let you know
if rain is on the horizon, but cannot predict the Nimbostratus Blues
I seem to harbour your pain – can we be so close?
I translate it poetically, attempting to contain it in stanzas
and infuse it with a rhythm livelier than your own.
It flows through my fingertips and plays itself out on the fretboard,
its key is B flat and there’s no joy in the composition.
(c)Deb Matthews-Zott
~Peace~ (Nimbostratus Blues)
It is all I wish for you – deep peace
You say it is all you want, but cannot attain
the weather is out of control, your barometer will let you know
if rain is on the horizon, but cannot predict the Nimbostratus Blues
I seem to harbour your pain – can we be so close?
I translate it poetically, attempting to contain it in stanzas
and infuse it with a rhythm livelier than your own.
It flows through my fingertips and plays itself out on the fretboard,
its key is B flat and there’s no joy in the composition.
(c)Deb Matthews-Zott