Emergence (The Cosmic Gestalt Mix)
Mana Junkie
Genetic disruptions,
the discharge of madness
Unforeseen anomalies
Photographic evidence
of Bikini atoll
Atomic blast-
The young men
protected by
Later ravaged
by decimating
The crown of the head
of an Iraqi neonate
deformed by
Depleted uranium-
tipped ammunition.
Ignorance and awareness
Cosmic gestalts
the bent of the mind,
The tyranny of consciousness-
Horrors from the id.
My future faced propulsion
in a collapsing universe.
And the realm of Faeries?
Love’s redemptive power?
My responsibility
In Everything-
Always yes, Yes, YES
In louder
more desperate
The circle around
the yin/yang
The human race
to oblivion
or transformation.
Each of our part
In Everything
Stay focused
On the highest vibration
as Assassins
follow orders.
from other
the eddies,
The whirlpool,
Being sucked down
into a wormhole
to Atlantis.
Sisyphus’s rock
While I roll
the dice-
Rolling the dice.
The chances,
the changes
Under examined.
The relentless march,
The Joyful Journey-
And us
Each of us
Every day,
Casting our lot
Deciding our fate,
The Cumulus-Nimbus
of Being.
words written and spoken by: oberonskye
Genetic disruptions,
the discharge of madness
Unforeseen anomalies
Photographic evidence
of Bikini atoll
Atomic blast-
The young men
protected by
Later ravaged
by decimating
The crown of the head
of an Iraqi neonate
deformed by
Depleted uranium-
tipped ammunition.
Ignorance and awareness
Cosmic gestalts
the bent of the mind,
The tyranny of consciousness-
Horrors from the id.
My future faced propulsion
in a collapsing universe.
And the realm of Faeries?
Love’s redemptive power?
My responsibility
In Everything-
Always yes, Yes, YES
In louder
more desperate
The circle around
the yin/yang
The human race
to oblivion
or transformation.
Each of our part
In Everything
Stay focused
On the highest vibration
as Assassins
follow orders.
from other
the eddies,
The whirlpool,
Being sucked down
into a wormhole
to Atlantis.
Sisyphus’s rock
While I roll
the dice-
Rolling the dice.
The chances,
the changes
Under examined.
The relentless march,
The Joyful Journey-
And us
Each of us
Every day,
Casting our lot
Deciding our fate,
The Cumulus-Nimbus
of Being.
words written and spoken by: oberonskye