Really wanted to do something for Thelo, naturally, so when I got Wiseman I was glad to see it would be a challenge to get these parallel styles, harmonies, and even meters to converge enough for a simple little collage.
Thelo’s vulnerable performance here reminded me of Ian Curtis of Joy Division. I don’t think that’s where we ended up, but I still tagged it that way.
Shaun puts his wonderful stems up most of time, making it easy to do my usual sonic foraging process. The industrial-sounding background noises is the drum part from “So Silent” mangled all to hell.
Thelo’s vulnerable performance here reminded me of Ian Curtis of Joy Division. I don’t think that’s where we ended up, but I still tagged it that way.
Shaun puts his wonderful stems up most of time, making it easy to do my usual sonic foraging process. The industrial-sounding background noises is the drum part from “So Silent” mangled all to hell.