When my friend had her first child, I wrote her baby a lullaby to celebrate. I sang it to them once but never really got around to recording it as it was pre-mixter. She has just had another child and I thought that it would be appropriate to celebrate again with a song.
This time I am hoping to do a mini-lullaby album of sorts. 3 songs or 15 minutes of music to fall asleep to. This song is 1 of 3. I’ve got two almost ready to record and am working on writing the third.
Any help you could give me to make this dream come true would be appreciated.
I’ll be out of internet range for a few days…so if you have any questions or can suggest some improvements please drop me a line and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
This time I am hoping to do a mini-lullaby album of sorts. 3 songs or 15 minutes of music to fall asleep to. This song is 1 of 3. I’ve got two almost ready to record and am working on writing the third.
Any help you could give me to make this dream come true would be appreciated.
I’ll be out of internet range for a few days…so if you have any questions or can suggest some improvements please drop me a line and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.