Follow Me Home (Beautiful Day Mix)
I’m missin D.C, man.
I made this beat on the day Obama got inaugurated. Partly because I was just feelin’ cool and retrospective … like watching the Berlin wall falling, but with no Hasselhoff. The other half was nostalgia. Watching all those people on the Mall where I used to take the kids in the stroller, just laid the nostalgia on me heavy.
I miss the culture. I miss the energy of the spackle bucket go-go guys on the street corners, and the musty funk of grease and mildew on the Metro, the rush of cool air as you rode the escalators up and out. The fact that on any given day there were a thousand things to do … GOOD things to do, if you chose to avail yourself of them.
The tense fabric of round the clock traffic jams that united the entire place in a shroud of frustration and aimless aggression.
And I really, really miss taking my kids to the symphony at the Kennedy Center. I really miss that more than words can say.
Irony. I could never have made this beat when I lived there. I needed to move away, I needed to miss it. I needed to have money in my pocket to buy new instruments and equipment, and I needed a house with a room other than the living room, in which to do music. I needed the quiet time away from work and fighting traffic on the beltway to contemplate it all and reduce it into this: the thick delicious sauce that is this mello funk.
Enjoy it.
I made this beat on the day Obama got inaugurated. Partly because I was just feelin’ cool and retrospective … like watching the Berlin wall falling, but with no Hasselhoff. The other half was nostalgia. Watching all those people on the Mall where I used to take the kids in the stroller, just laid the nostalgia on me heavy.
I miss the culture. I miss the energy of the spackle bucket go-go guys on the street corners, and the musty funk of grease and mildew on the Metro, the rush of cool air as you rode the escalators up and out. The fact that on any given day there were a thousand things to do … GOOD things to do, if you chose to avail yourself of them.
The tense fabric of round the clock traffic jams that united the entire place in a shroud of frustration and aimless aggression.
And I really, really miss taking my kids to the symphony at the Kennedy Center. I really miss that more than words can say.
Irony. I could never have made this beat when I lived there. I needed to move away, I needed to miss it. I needed to have money in my pocket to buy new instruments and equipment, and I needed a house with a room other than the living room, in which to do music. I needed the quiet time away from work and fighting traffic on the beltway to contemplate it all and reduce it into this: the thick delicious sauce that is this mello funk.
Enjoy it.