Dusk in LA
This track is based on an art project of the Department of Computational Perception at Johannes Kepler University Linz - sound/tracks. This is a part of the description: “When travelling on a train, many people enjoy looking out of the window and watching the landscape passing by. The fleeting impressions of the moving scenery and the composition of the passing objects generate a piece of visual music with its own tempo and rhythm, its own colours and harmonies. The project sound/tracks aims at capturing these visual impressions and translates them into a musical composition in real-time - producing an immediate soundtrack to the train journey based on the passing scenery…”.
If you are interested read more at http://www.cp.jku.at/projec...
(I am not part of this project, just used the piano track)
The track is snychronized to a heart beat of 60 bpm with the monotonous trance rythm of a train journey. I recommend to close your eyes and imagine an unhurried train journey through the countryside of Lower Austria (not the LA you were thinking of). If you want to see the video which “played” the piano part check out the MP4 at http://www.cp.jku.at/projec...
To follow the concept of sound/tracks some parts here are made by the computer. For the Rhodes the midi notes had been run through a chorder and then through a midi echo generator. The fuzzy background is built by feeding the piano notes into a grain table synth filter.
I hope you enjoy the ride.
If you are interested read more at http://www.cp.jku.at/projec...
(I am not part of this project, just used the piano track)
The track is snychronized to a heart beat of 60 bpm with the monotonous trance rythm of a train journey. I recommend to close your eyes and imagine an unhurried train journey through the countryside of Lower Austria (not the LA you were thinking of). If you want to see the video which “played” the piano part check out the MP4 at http://www.cp.jku.at/projec...
To follow the concept of sound/tracks some parts here are made by the computer. For the Rhodes the midi notes had been run through a chorder and then through a midi echo generator. The fuzzy background is built by feeding the piano notes into a grain table synth filter.
I hope you enjoy the ride.