Indulgent Experimental
Inspired (all in good fun) by this forum thread in which four out of five ed pickers profess their love of “unholy messes”.
I googled ‘cheap sampling keyboard’ and realized I already had ‘the world’s cheapest’ in my arsenal. The Realistic Concertmate 500, which is the Radioshack branding of the Casio sk1, made in 1985. I think I remember reading that it cost
00 back then. Mine cost I googled ‘cheap sampling keyboard’ and realized I already had ‘the world’s cheapest’ in my arsenal. The Realistic Concertmate 500, which is the Radioshack branding of the Casio sk1, made in 1985. I think I remember reading that it cost
I recorded about fifty minutes of nonsense on it, then cut loops from that and sequenced at will. Then this morning I heard Gurdonark’s Sensitive and thought maybe the source he used, Ondrej Rosik’s love is over would ameliorate my mess. Sure enough, not bad, or at least if bad the good kind of bad (?).
Ondrej Rosik - beats, piano, strings
Speck - voice and whatever was within reach of my chair