kaoss pad 2 (71)
I’ve been thinking about selling (or trying to sell, don’t know if there’s much of a market for them) my Kaoss Pad and Electribe to help defray the cost of an iPad. (Been looking at all the cool music apps on youtube. Especially Samplewiz, Beepstreet Impaktor and Animoog.) So I thought I’d play with them a bit to see if I really want to get rid of them. I hardly ever use them any more. This sample is just a doodling with one of the synth presets, (the Kaoss Pad isn’t really about synths but rather live effects on line in or mic) maybe someone can use it or parts of it for something. .wav in the .zip
Anybody got an iPad and use it for music? Would you encourage or discourage my craving? Any pre-purchase advise?
Anybody got an iPad and use it for music? Would you encourage or discourage my craving? Any pre-purchase advise?