Sometimes while I’m editing photos (my other computer-based pastime) and listening to SomaFm (Groove Salad or Sonic Universe) I find myself doing this. Got brave (or stupid) this morning and turned the mic on.
I put it into Melodyne to see what key and bpm it auto-detects.
It says 93.609bpm and Eb.
The preview (and two track flac) have the dyned (auto-correct) track on the right and the raw track on the left. The raw mono recording is also in the zip.
I put it into Melodyne to see what key and bpm it auto-detects.
It says 93.609bpm and Eb.
The preview (and two track flac) have the dyned (auto-correct) track on the right and the raw track on the left. The raw mono recording is also in the zip.