Aphonic Oracle
Malaki is simply a messenger, but most often times misunderstood. It’s probably because people generally seek for messages in the form of words instead of feeling messages that come in the form of sound. With his epistles unspoken, he became the silent messenger. Thus, spawned the title of the Aphonic Oracle.
As the Aphonic Oracle, he is predominantly influenced by the sub-genres of Electronica, evolving into a producer and remixer. He cyberizes vocals and intertwines pounding bass lines with the elegance of ambient strings. Overall, his music style allusively blends the antiquated forms of electronic music with the trendy expressions.
Email: oracleg8way@gmail.com
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/aphonicoracle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aphonicoracle
Fixt Remix: www.fixtremix.com/artist/6ffdab85ae98/
ccMixter: ccmixter.org/people/MDCervantes
SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/aphonicoracle
As the Aphonic Oracle, he is predominantly influenced by the sub-genres of Electronica, evolving into a producer and remixer. He cyberizes vocals and intertwines pounding bass lines with the elegance of ambient strings. Overall, his music style allusively blends the antiquated forms of electronic music with the trendy expressions.
Email: oracleg8way@gmail.com
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/aphonicoracle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/aphonicoracle
Fixt Remix: www.fixtremix.com/artist/6ffdab85ae98/
ccMixter: ccmixter.org/people/MDCervantes
SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com/aphonicoracle