Bruce H. McCosar
I Am …
A Jamendo Artist, since 2006, with six albums available for free download: evolution, handmade, La vie sous la mer, Points of Departure, Martian Winter, and In Unexpected Places.
A former research chemist, who eventually found his true calling as a middle school science teacher.
Interested in music theory, the mathematics of music synthesis, and software synthesis (with Csound).
A Python programmer: author of pcsets: Pitch Class Sets for Python.
A member of the Mvskoke (Creek) Nation, a Native American tribe indigenous to Georgia, Florida, and Alabama (but forcibly relocated to Oklahoma).
A vegetarian (since 1992).
Camera shy! (evidently)
Where to Find Me
Jamendo artist page.
Wordpress music blog.
Facebook and MySpace profiles.
A Jamendo Artist, since 2006, with six albums available for free download: evolution, handmade, La vie sous la mer, Points of Departure, Martian Winter, and In Unexpected Places.
A former research chemist, who eventually found his true calling as a middle school science teacher.
Interested in music theory, the mathematics of music synthesis, and software synthesis (with Csound).
A Python programmer: author of pcsets: Pitch Class Sets for Python.
A member of the Mvskoke (Creek) Nation, a Native American tribe indigenous to Georgia, Florida, and Alabama (but forcibly relocated to Oklahoma).
A vegetarian (since 1992).
Camera shy! (evidently)
Where to Find Me
Jamendo artist page.
Wordpress music blog.
Facebook and MySpace profiles.